Reports and publications

On 12 October 2023, the National Housing Finance and Investment Corporation (NHFIC) was renamed Housing Australia. All reports and publications published prior to this date will reference NHFIC. However, these references can now be read as references to Housing Australia.

On this page

    Annual Report

    Every year we produce an Annual Report which provides a detailed update of Housing Australia’s affairs from the last 12 months (including financial statements).

    Annual Reports can also be accessed at

    Corporate Plan

    Housing Australia produces an annual Corporate Plan which focuses on Housing Australia's business strategies and goals.

    Social Bond Report

    Housing Australia produces an annual Social Bond Report which provides information on the use of proceeds from Housing Australia's social bonds, and is a key disclosure requirement under Housing Australia's Sustainability Bond Framework.

    For more information on our bonds or to view previous reports, please visit our investor relations page.

    NHIF disclosure

    Disclosure of NHIF financing decisions is a requirement under the Investment Mandate.

    For more information, please visit the NHIF page.

    Senate Order – Entity Contracts

    Senate Order on Government Agency Contracts

    On 20 June 2001, the Senate agreed to an order (the Murray Motion) requiring each Minister to table a letter of advice biannually, that each agency administered by that Minister, has placed on their website a list of contracts with a total value of $100,000 (GST inclusive) or more which are current or entered into during the previous twelve months (and certain other details). The order was subsequently broadened to include corporate Commonwealth entities (which includes Housing Australia) from 1 July 2017.


    Contracts Information

    Contracts for the Senate Order for Entity Contracts relating to the relevant period are listed below.

    Executive Remuneration Reporting

    Housing Australia is committed to providing transparency of our remuneration for Executive and other highly paid staff. The annual reportable remuneration includes gross payments, reportable fringe benefits, reportable employer superannuation and bonuses.

    Modern Slavery Statement

    Every year (commencing Financial Year 2021-22), Housing Australia produces a Modern Slavery Statement which sets out Housing Australia’s approach to modern slavery and how we identify and mitigate this risk from occurring within Housing Australia’s business operations, supply chain and customer relationships.

    The statement is also published annually on the online register for Modern Slavery Statements, which is administered by Australian Border Force.

    Reconciliation Action Plan 

    Housing Australia is committed to improving housing outcomes for Australians. We recognise the importance of developing a meaningful relationship with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander stakeholders and communities and making a positive contribution to the vision of national reconciliation. 

    To learn more about our work to support reconciliation, read our Reconciliation Action Plan.